Tuesday, January 17, 2006

knitting olympics!

Yay! I'm in the Knitting Olympics! God bless Yarn Harlot for making us all that much crazier with knitting stress.

I've decided to do Sonnet from Knitty.com

Sure, sure, it's not THAT difficult, but working full time and chasing kids is going to be eating so much of my time soon that managing a sweater in 16 days is going to kick my ass!

I have 9 skeins of funky vintage red heart bulky in a bizarre teal color. I know, acrylic is icky, but I'm broke, and this stuff is way softer than any red heart you'd find in a store nowadays. I also think I'm going to try doing the seed stitch version. Garter stitch kind of bugs me, and I need to get better at producing seed stitch in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe this will give me the motivation I need to learn continental knitting.

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